
9th edition of the UN Forum on Business and 人权 took place from 16-18 November 2020 under the theme of "Preventing 业务-related human rights abuses: The key to a sustainable future for people and planet".

发表: 2020年11月24日
作者: 大卫。菲德勒
类型: 洞察力

2020年11月24日,日内瓦: 通常在日内瓦举办, 这个版本实际上汇集了大约4个,000名政府代表, 业务, 人权专家, 活动家和民间社会组织, 大约40%的参与者来自私营部门.

随着《正规博彩十大网站排名》(UNGPs)接近10年th 2021年6月是他们被收养的周年纪念日, the purpose of this year’s Forum was as much about looking back and taking stock of the trends and challenges in adopting and implementing the UNGPs, as about looking into the future and how respect for human rights can be the key to a sustainable future.

The UNGPs – launched in 2011 and since acknowledged as the most important framework for States and companies to prevent, 处理和补救与工商业有关的人权问题-由三个支柱组成 国家保护的义务 个人人权受到侵犯 企业尊重的责任 人权,以及国家和企业在确保人民享有人权方面发挥的作用 获得救济 当业务运营和关系产生负面影响时.


在她的 联合国论坛的开幕词, 米歇尔•巴切莱特, 联合国人权事务高级专员, explained how the pandemic is putting at risk and even reversing progress made in previous years towards the 正规博彩十大网站排名目标 (SDGs), with extreme poverty and unemployment just two challenges expected to rise due to the pandemic. 她指出,尽管“几乎所有工人都受到了影响”, “有些团体受到的打击尤其严重。”, 尤其是女性, 非正规部门的儿童和工人.

在这种情况下, governments and 业务 were called upon to ensure that efforts to build back better take into consideration the most vulnerable people. Particularly insightful were the experiences shared by 业务 on how human rights due diligence made their supply chains more resilient to the shocks of the pandemic. Understanding the risks or actual challenges workers face allowed the companies to find solutions that on the one hand supported vulnerable workers, 保护他们的健康或确保他们的生计, 另一方面,使他们的供应链更具弹性,并确保业务连续性. 简而言之, companies embedding human rights due diligence in their management strengthen their supply chains, 有更好的机会吸引投资者和更低的资金成本, 获得利益相关者的积极认可, 切实解决不平等问题,为实现正规博彩十大网站排名目标作出关键贡献.


去年我们报道 关于对商业和人权立法的呼声越来越高. 今年,我们目睹了辩论的显著加速. 同时承认企业通过软法尊重人权方面取得的进展, 自愿措施和报告要求, Forum participants agreed that change has not been profound nor quick enough to realize the vision of the UNGPs and achieve the SDGs by 2030.

It was noteworthy that 业务es called for regulation to level the playing field between companies that already take respect for human rights seriously and those that are not; create legal certainty for companies; and harmonize regulation for companies operating in different markets.

整个星期, stakeholders (including 业务) advocated for regulation to be aligned with the UNGPs to ensure harmonized regulation. 这再次强化了这个信息 companies that have already begun integrating the UNGPs and in particular human rights due diligence in their practices will be ahead of the regulatory curve.


由即将到来的10驱动th 今年早些时候,联合国工作组启动了《正规博彩十大网站排名》周年纪念活动 联合国维和部队10+项目. Its theme of “Business and human rights: towards a decade of global implementation” brings to life two focal points of the discussions at the UN Forum.

First is the necessity to make respect for human rights – its debate as well as its realization – truly global in terms of geography and in terms of encompassing all types of 业务es. 在大多数情况下, 企业取得的进展——无论是参与企业与人权的辩论, 或者公司信息披露, practices and actual human rights performance – is limited to a small number of forward-thinking, 大公司. SMEs and the informal economy are still not meaningfully included in the 业务 and human rights space. 类似的, 发达经济体在商业和人权方面的政策和法规最为先进.

二是主题聚焦实施. 在联合国论坛筹备期间和论坛期间, commitments that over the years had not turned into meaningful action or did not yield the promised results were put in the spotlight. 虽然未能兑现承诺,但为制定更严格的规定提供了理由, as exemplified by the strong trend towards mandatory human rights due diligence described above, the UN Forum also provided opportunities to discuss and highlight other ways to further embed respect for human rights in 业务 faster, 更深更广. 其中包括能力建设, 投资者的作用和杠杆作用, and the use of financial and 业务 incentives for companies doing 业务 in line with the UNGPs. Companies committing to respect human rights in their policies or initiatives and platforms they participate in, 必须确保他们言行一致,并采取有意义的行动.


The focus of the 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD) was placed on co-organizing sessions on the official agenda of the Forum.
正如我们在我们的 首席执行官人权指南 -最近发布的2nd edition – engaging transparently with stakeholders is a key action of showing 业务 leadership on human rights.

一些WBCSD成员公司积极发言(Acciona), Aditya Birla集团, CP组, 埃奈尔, 雀巢, 百事可乐和联合利华), 还有其他几个国家参加了论坛的会议.

在WBCSD工作人员方面,大卫。菲德勒在会议上发言 “数据:联合国全球行动纲领@ 10的趋势和进展以及衡量下一个十年的优先事项” and shared a sneak preview on the results of the assessment of human rights disclosures of WBCSD member companies. The key findings will be publicly available as part of a forthcoming issue brief on trends and developments in corporate respect for human rights, 将于12月中旬上映.

就他而言,他在小组讨论的结束语中 “缩小企业尊重人权的愿望与行动之间的差距”,我们的常务董事菲利波·维格里奥强调安理会决心 通过以产出为后盾的三项具体活动,继续提高标准: 参与 top executives to collectively move from aspiration and commitments to action on human rights; 升级 WBCSD membership conditions through a set of new criteria that include the UNGPs and the area of inclusion, 平等, diversity and the elimination of any form of discrimination; and 深化 对跨部门和地区的人权政策和实践正规博彩十大网站排名.

跟着我们走 WBCSD的商业与人权门户 及时了解商业和人权趋势、见解和工具.

If you have feedback regarding the UN Forum either for WBCSD or for the UN Working Group on Business and 人权, 不要犹豫 和我们一起分享吧.

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