Taking collective action further for transforming freshwater use

世界水周 in Stockholm (25-30 August) is a great annual bellwether for the water sector: trending topics, pioneering organizations 和 a sense of where the sector is heading. Business is part of the discourse within the water sector, 和 the business presence at this event has been increasing year-on-year, together with various business-aligned organizations that showcase initiatives, 报告和工具.

发表: 2019年9月2日
作者: 汤姆威廉姆斯
类型: 洞察力

Most of the business contributions to the event are about ‘collective action’, the process of bringing together public 和 private sector actors around common water challenges 和 developing solutions. 几家公司推出了新的水资源战略, announced new initiatives or showcased their work during Stockholm 水 Week.

Whilst many companies share water challenges in specific settings (e.g. 盆地), 要么通过他们的操作, 供应链或消费者市场, the number of companies that took to the stage to demonstrate collective action amongst business was few.

创建竞争前平台, 众多公司聚集在一起进行评估, 计划和行动, 是一个很大的差距. 没有他们, 一家公司在一个地区的努力可能会阻碍, 破坏, or even directly oppose the actions of another company working independently. 文娱文化署与 2030年水资源组 is a good example of where this kind of collective action is taking place.

This also talks to a big opportunity that we, collectively, need to step up to. 采取集体行动有两大途径: 增量变革.

Incremental pathways embrace water stewardship approaches that drive (local) water efficiencies, 这里有 很好的例子. 然而, 我们知道, 随着人口的增长, 这需要更多的食物和能量, 对水的需求将会增加. 仅仅提高效率是不够的. For transformation, we need collective action that drives systems change. 水往往是农业落后的牺牲品, economic 和 industrial policy – we need to grow the rights crops in appropriate l和scapes, 重视水对经济的贡献, society 和 environment 和 cluster industries to enable circular water management.

企业的角色, 产生大规模的影响, 就是走到一起, in a pre-competitive space 和 create a dialogue with policy makers, farmers 和 society to figure out how to manage the synergies 和 trade-offs of disrupting these systems. 和, as much as it is important for business to be part of the water discourse, it is equally important that the water sector is part of the business 和 agricultural discourse. 的 water sector needs to also step-up 和 reach out to these sectors. In response to this need for 变革 collective action, WBCSD will be working on two new initiatives in the coming few months around wastewater 和 water efficiency in homes.



淡水行星边界 – the freshwater planetary boundary is being radically revised. 的 existing freshwater planetary boundary is controversial, how can you have a meaningful global threshold with such spatial 和 temporal differences as we see with water? 一项全球性的研究正在进行中 修改边界, that defines four core functions of water (hydroclimatic regulation, 水文地质的监管, 存储, 和 transport) in conjunction with five water stores (surface water, 大气水, 土壤水分, 地下水和冰冻水). This work will have important implications on the 水 Science Based Target that is currently in development 和 will drive future policy direction for water.

水与气候 – the theme of next year’s event will be water 和 climate 和 WBCSD will be engaging with its members to support contributions to its work on water. With the important milestone of UNFCCC COP26 happening a couple of months later in late 2020, this will be an important moment to refine a business position for climate 和 water

水与价值 ——水资源价值再次成为热门话题, 这一次, it seems to have more steam behind it than in the past. 荷兰政府最近启动了 重视水资源倡议 (which WBCSD is a partner of) 和 the UN-水 theme for world water day in 2021 will be valuing water. 对一些人来说,这仍然是一个神秘的话题, 在斯德哥尔摩的一次关于水资源价值的会议上, 讨论的焦点从补贴到性别, from data to Integrated 水 Resource Management (IWRM). 挑战在于将概念转化为实践, 一次又一次, the importance of collective action in that all should have a coherent 和 consistent underst和ing 和 approach to valuing water.

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