
发表: 2018年12月3日
作者: 伊娃Zabey
类型: 洞察力

上周, Paris was buzzing with talk of how to value nature in business and policy decision-making as part of an action-packed “Natural Capital Week” 2018. 完全, / (1,000 people from across the world gathered at 12 separate events, 5天以上, 由16个召集组织主办. 至少有20家WBCSD成员公司参与.

自然资本联盟的“合作日”,是一个基石, bringing together a multi-stakeholder audience of more than 100 experts.

WBCSD was present at the event to showcase our work on mainstreaming non-financial assessments, 介绍新的 自然资本议定书工具包 and to inform the broader community about the new, European Commission funded, ““我们珍惜自然”运动.


We started the week with the announcement that our 自然资本议定书工具包 is now live on 麻省理工学院的转变 作为更大的, more integrated resource with a number of benefits, 包括麻省理工学院的智能AI技术, which automates the process of adding new tools to the kit. The kit was originally designed to help companies implement the Natural Capital Protocol and now can be more easily added to by a variety of organizations.

马克·高夫, Executive Director of the Natural Capital Coalition, highlighted the news at the event and underscored the need to work collaboratively with the broader community.


在星期一, The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW), WBCSD, The International Union for Conservation of 自然 (IUCN) and Oppla announced that the European Commission has provided over €2 million over the next three years to support a new collaborative campaign, 我们珍惜自然.

This campaign will boost and accelerate existing efforts to embed natural capital assessments in business decision-making. 有关更多信息,请参见 完整的版本.

One take-away from the week was a consensus that the natural capital valuation movement needs to break into mainstream use by business. 伊娃Zabey, WBCSD“重新定义价值”项目主任, at the EU Business and Biodiversity and BBOP-led event said, “我们需要对自己诚实. 在这个房间里, we’re in a biodiversity bubble that’s inside a natural capital bubble, 这是一个正规博彩十大网站排名的泡沫... we need to pop those bubbles to get into the mainstream.”

To successfully scale-up the implementation of natural capital valuation, it will be important to work closely with specific groups such as the food systems community (led by the TEEB for 农业 program), circular economy initiatives and human and social capital experts. There was great interest expressed in the alignment and integration of social and human capital, 特别是工作 社会 & 人力资本联盟.

A large number of business case studies were shared at the Natural Capital Coalition’s Collaboration Day, demonstrating the continued efforts of businesses all around the world to better understand and value their interactions with nature.

例如, WBCSD member company BNP Paribas discussed their strategy for mitigating investment risk by assessing natural capital impacts and dependencies - a strong signal that the investor community is starting to sit up and pay attention to this topic.

The overall impression from this event is that the vibrant and growing community of “natural capital” valuation is now an emerging topic for many businesses, 尽管这些努力仍处于试验阶段, and 表演 is far from comparable between companies. The Natural Capital Coalition remains the key multi-stakeholder network operating in this space, 将商业与学术联系起来, 政策制定者和非政府组织.

WBCSD is committed to collaborative working that builds harmonization for the benefit of the business community. 明年, we will focus on capacity building and implementation so that we accelerate progress for companies to compete on integrated, 不仅仅是金融, 表演.

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