
Published: 20 Dec 2022
Author: Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President, WBCSD
Type: Insight

Yesterday, we read the news, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》缔约方大会第十五次会议(COP15), announcing that governments agreed on the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). 该框架制定了一项计划,旨在实施行动,到2030年制止和扭转自然损失,并确保实现这一目标, by 2050, the shared vision of ‘living in harmony with nature’ is fulfilled.

While a numeric target for impacts is not included, the framework clearly sets the direction for all players in society. During the two weeks at COP15, 商界和金融界的参与程度前所未有,表明他们准备通过行动落实一项强有力的协议, 将保护和恢复自然纳入其运营和供应链的主流,并支持实施相关目标和里程碑,以解决自然损失的物质驱动因素.   

Overall, 关于GBF的协议包含了标志着自然保护转折点的关键决定, conservation and restoration. At the same time, some critical ambition targets were not fully achieved. So, the real work starts now. Governments, businesses, financial institutions, and civil society must share the burden to deliver on the agreement. This will be required to assess what is material, 设定目标,披露对自然的风险和影响,从而加强问责制,让相关利益攸关方做出更明智的决策.

The application of lessons learned from the climate journey is remarkable. At COP27, WBCSD engaged leading member companies in developing a business implementation agenda, The Business of Climate Recovery: Accelerating Accountability, Ambition and Action. 该议程提出了加速全球商业脱碳的干预措施,并为商界领袖提供支持, in close collaboration with governments, to sharpen accountability, raise ambition, and deliver action at speed and scale. 我们正在以类似于气候问责制的方式推进自然问责制,以建立一个全球企业自然问责制.

The pieces are in place to move quickly on three pillars:

  • Accountability, 通过对与自然有关的影响和依赖进行准确和透明的核算,以及采纳TNFD的建议,与主要利益攸关方建立信任.
  • Ambition, 支持采用基于科学的自然目标,推动企业战略与GBF保持一致.
  • Action, 实施对自然有利的过渡计划,将资本分配给价值链内外最重要的风险和机会领域.


Enhancing accountability of commitments and progress

披露证实承诺雄心和行动进展的信息,对于让主要利益相关者了解公司的自然积极之旅至关重要. Through our 与我们的23家成员公司一起试行与自然有关的财务披露框架工作组, 我们将在TNFD开发过程中提供信息,以确保在2023年9月发布一套强大且适用于业务的建议. 我们还将探索范围3排放(跨价值链排放)数据对自然的挑战,并寻求扩大范围 Partnership for Carbon Transparency to include other environmental data beyond greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 

Aligning business ambition with the Global Biodiversity Framework

采用基于科学的自然目标(sbt)将推动企业与GBF保持一致. Through our partnership with Science-based Targets for Nature (SBTN), 我们将与正规博彩十大网站排名公司及其他公司合作,使他们为采用sbt做好准备,并提炼和综合吸取的经验教训,作为我们实现自然积极发展路线图的一部分.

Investing in actions within and beyond value-chains for nature-positive and net-zero impact

向自然积极的过渡需要在确定价值链内外的重大风险和机会的指导下进行投资. During COP15, to complement the suite of sector-specific roadmaps, 水务署公布了与60家主要公司和合作伙伴共同制定的指导意见征求意见稿, Roadmaps to nature positive: Guidelines to accelerate business accountability, ambition and action for a nature-positive future”.  This will help companies to assess, commit, transform and disclose their relationship with nature. 我们还将确定全部门支持自然积极成果的行动重点,并探讨基于自然的解决方案在满足生物多样性方面的作用, climate and social goals through the development of our NbS blueprint, which will build on the lessons learned for Natural Climate Solutions (NCS).

As a first step, 15 leading companies from the Forest Solutions Group (FSG) released Phase I of the Forest Sector Nature-Positive Roadmap during COP27 to support business in scaling up actions to halt and reverse nature loss, setting science-based nature-related goals and targets, and disclosing progress using quantifiable metrics. At COP15, the case studies by Stora Enso, Mondi and Sappi put the spotlight on business action for nature-positive.

通过协调和扩大行动以实现规模上的最大影响,帮助解决生态系统恢复领域协调一致的需要, the One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) coalition created the framework for Restoration Actions. 这项工作是OP2B为支持该框架到2030年停止和扭转自然和生物多样性丧失的使命而不断作出贡献的一个例子 OP2B’s framework for Regenerative Agriculture which completes the guidance for companies on restoration and regeneration.

Integrated nature and climate action

没有自然的积极影响,就没有净零排放,应对气候紧急情况和自然损失的商业方法必须结合起来. Central to this is the scaling of NCS within and beyond value chains. 碳市场提供了一种机制,引导私人资金流向净零排放和自然正排放项目, and through the work of the NCS Alliance, WBCSD is providing guidance with an emphasis on high-quality carbon credits. For the private sector, in addition to reducing negative impacts, a five-fold increase in investments for nature is required with co-benefits for climate. 使私人资金能够投资于未受破坏的自然环境,是实现《正规博彩十大网站排名》和绿色气候基金目标的关键手段.

We support our member companies in implementing business solutions toward net zero, nature positive and equity targets in their own operations as well as their value chains. By working with experts and members from across the world, 我们帮助企业跨部门和价值链合作,扩大NCS和基于自然的解决方案,以应对我们的地球紧急情况,保护和恢复我们都依赖的自然系统.

The decade ahead must be nature-positive and through this support to members and partners, WBCSD is helping ensure that business contribution is high on ambition, 采取集体行动,对到2030年实现积极的自然环境共同目标负责,到2050年实现全面恢复.

For more information on how you can get involved, please see our nature action work here.

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