软商品论坛 invites investment in a new financial model to eliminate soy-driven deforestation and native vegetation conversion in Brazil’s Cerrado

的 launch of the strategy is detailed alongside updates of shared accountability standards and increased supply chain transparency in the 软商品论坛’s bi-annual report. 

发表: 12月14日
类型: 新闻

瑞士日内瓦,2022年12月14日: WBCSD的 软商品论坛 (SCF) 披露 today the details of the Farmer First Clusters landscape transformation strategy, as well as progress in data accountability and supply chain traceability.

A leading landscape approach for the prevention of soy-related deforestation and conversion

2022年11月发射, the Farmer First Clusters (FFC) Initiative aims to administer and direct funds to halt soy-driven deforestation and conversion in high-risk municipalities by taking a community-centered approach to transformation within four key Cerrado landscapes: Western Mato Grosso, 南部的马拉尼昂, 西巴伊亚, 和托坎廷斯河.

该倡议通过六个解决方案发挥作用, clustered according to local realities: Payments for Surplus Legal Reserve, Technical Assistance for Sustainable Production and Forest Code Compliance, 退化地区的恢复, 综合农业(畜牧业), 农林), 农业在牧场上的扩张, 绿色金融. 的se solutions form a landscape strategy that places producers and local communities at the heart of the decision-making process.

Through this initiative, SCF members will collectively invest up to USD 7.2 million to establish a financial model providing soy producers with adequate incentives to halt deforestation and conversion in municipalities where the risk of conversion is high. 的 SCF estimates that consolidating the Farmer First Clusters financial model requires USD50 million and invites other food and agricultural value chain stakeholders to 携手加速投资 这有利于气候、自然和生计.

的 project will address 8 of the SCF’s 61 focus municipalities in its initial phase before scaling up into additional municipalities in its scope.

Increased accountability standards and indirect supplier traceability

SCF 12月份的报告 also outlines progress toward data accountability and indirect supplier engagement as key levers toward zero deforestation and conversion goals.


  •  all SCF member direct supplier performance is verified through third-party auditing;
  • alignment among SCF members on a protocol for third-party verification of indirect suppliers;
  • the SCF surpassed its initial indirect supplier engagement goal by achieving collaborative engagement with 14 priority indirect suppliers, to establish action plans to increase indirect supplier monitoring and evaluation capacity.

“Transition finance for farmers is key to halt deforestation and conversion, 尤其是在像巴西塞拉多这样的高风险地区.  的 Farmer First Clusters Initiative will accelerate investments 这有利于气候、自然和生计 with a landscape approach to incentivize soy production in the Cerrado that supports forests and land conservation and drives regenerative agricultural solutions. 在发射的基础上 领导农业综合企业,实现 scale will require co-investment and collaboration with investors, 价值链合作伙伴, on-the-ground organizations and governments for transformation through this collaborative endeavor.” - Diane Holdorf, WBCSD执行副总裁

“的 Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition of Action is excited to work collaboratively with the 软商品论坛’s Farmer First Clusters Initiative to drive positive impact at the landscape level in the Cerrado. 通过价值链上的有效合作, 联盟支持FFC调整原则, interventions and incentives with the scope of action of downstream actors. 的 goal is to create efficiencies and accelerate solution finding towards conversion-free soy landscape transformation in high-risk geographies by co-investing in context-specific and high-impact shared solutions. 的 collaboration on landscape engagement complements the ongoing dialogue to align on Deforestation and Conversion Free definition and progress monitoring. Together, the two workstreams enable progress towards a forest positive future.” - 黛博拉·迪亚斯,CGF森林积极联盟高级经理

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欲了解更多信息,请联系Lucie Smith 露西.smith@unreelangling.com.

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